#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- # # $Id: get_and_store_synop,v 1.6 2003/08/19 20:49:19 eserte Exp eserte $ # Author: Slaven Rezic # # Copyright (C) 2001 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # Mail: slaven.rezic@berlin.de # WWW: http://www.rezic.de/eserte/ # # für Tempelhof (10384): # # SMDL10 KAWN 260000 RRA # AAXX 26001 # 10384 32983 13401 10121 20102 30171 40231 52002 80001 333 30/// # 55300 81076 # XXX Zum Jahreswechsel ist das Datum am 31.12. um 23:00 falsch und # muss manuell geändert werden! use strict; # for user.cs.tu-berlin.de: $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/perl/bin:/usr/perl/5/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; my $store_dir = "/home/e/eserte/doc/met/synop"; my %stations = ( #10378 => 'potsdam_sor', # not available at 10379 => 'potsdam', 10381 => 'berlin_dahlem', 10382 => 'berlin_tegel', 10384 => 'berlin_tempelhof', 10385 => 'berlin_schoenefeld', 10389 => 'berlin_alexanderplatz', ); my $has_getopt_long = 1; eval 'require Getopt::Long; 1;'; if ($@) { $has_getopt_long = 0; } if (@ARGV) { if (!$has_getopt_long) { die "Getopt::Long is not available"; } my $station; my $getlast; Getopt::Long::GetOptions("station=s" => \$station, "getlast!" => \$getlast, ) or die "usage!"; if (!defined $station) { die "-station is missing"; } if (!exists $stations{$station}) { my %station_to_code = reverse %stations; my $orig_station = $station; $station = $station_to_code{$station}; if (!defined $station) { die "Can't get station code for $orig_station"; } } if ($getlast) { my $ret = get_last_from_file($station); if (defined $ret) { print $ret; exit 0; } else { exit 1; } } else { my $ret = get_synop($station); if ($ret && defined $ret->{synop} && $ret->{synop} ne "") { print "# $ret->{real_time}\n"; print $ret->{synop}; exit 0; } else { exit 1; } } } STATION: while(my($station_code, $station_name) = each %stations) { warn "Trying station $station_name...\n"; my $store_file = "$store_dir/synop_$station_name"; my $result = get_synop($station_code); my($real_time, $synop, $station_code, $html) = @$result{qw(real_time synop station_code html)}; if (!defined $synop || $synop eq '') { warn "No synop found for $station_name in $html"; next STATION; } if (-e $store_file) { my(@last_lines) = split /\n/, `tail -20 $store_file`; foreach (reverse @last_lines) { my($last_time) = $_ =~ /^\#(.*)/; if (defined $last_time && $last_time eq $real_time) { warn "No change, last line: $_, this synop: $synop"; next STATION; } } } if (!open(STORE, ">>$store_file")) { warn "Can't write to $store_file: $!"; next STATION; } else { print STORE "#$real_time\n"; print STORE "$synop\n"; close STORE; } } sub get_last_from_file { my $station_code = shift; my $station_name = $stations{$station_code}; my $store_file = "$store_dir/synop_$station_name"; my(@last_lines) = split /\n/, `tail -20 $store_file`; @last_lines = reverse @last_lines; for my $i (0 .. $#last_lines) { if ($last_lines[$i] =~ /^\#(.*)/) { return join("\n", reverse @last_lines[0..$i]) . "\n"; } } undef; } sub get_synop { my $station_code = shift; my $ret = {}; my $html = `GET "$station_code"`; # my $html = < #
    #  SNDL10 KAWN 132300 RRA
    #  AAXX 13231
    #  10384 42973 01301 10127 20119 30160 40219 57002 333 55300
# # EOF my $synop = ""; if ($html ne '') { my $pre_seen = 0; foreach (split /\n/, $html) { if (/
/i) {
	    } elsif ($pre_seen) {
		if (/<\/pre>/i) {
		$synop .= "$_\n";

    if (!defined $synop || $synop eq '') {

    my($time) = $synop =~ /\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/;
    my $real_time = synop_time_to_real($time);

    return +{
	     time      => $time,
	     real_time => $real_time,
	     synop     => $synop,
	     html      => $html,

sub synop_time_to_real {
    my $synop_time = shift;
    my($day,$h,$m) = $synop_time =~ /^(..)(..)(..)$/;
    if (!defined $day) {
	die "Can't parse synop time $synop_time";
    my(@l) = localtime;
    my $ld = $l[3];
    my $lm = $l[4]+1;
    if ($ld != $day) {
	if ($day == 1 && $ld >= 28) {
	    # really next month:
	} elsif ($ld == 1 && $day >= 28) {
	    # really prev month;
	} # else this month
    sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", $l[5]+1900, $lm, $day, $h, $m;
