# File FXWindow.rb, line 466
    def clearDragRectangle();
    # When being dragged over, indicate acceptance or rejection of the dragged data.
    # The _action_ is a constant indicating the suggested drag action, one of:
    # +DRAG_REJECT+::   reject all drop actions
    # +DRAG_ACCEPT+::   accept any drop action
    # +DRAG_COPY+::     accept this drop as a copy
    # +DRAG_MOVE+::     accept this drop as a move
    # +DRAG_LINK+::     accept this drop as a link
    # +DRAG_PRIVATE+::  private

    def acceptDrop(action=DRAG_ACCEPT); end
    # Returns +DRAG_REJECT+ when the drop target would not accept the drop;
    # otherwise indicates acceptance by returning one of +DRAG_ACCEPT+,
    def didAccept() ; end
    # When being dragged over, inquire the drag types being offered.
    # The _origin_ is a constant indicating the origin of the data, one of
    # Returns an array of drag types.
    def inquireDNDTypes(origin) ; end
    # When being dragged over, return +true+ if we are offered the given drag type.
    # The _origin_ is a constant indicating the origin of the data, one of
    # The _type_ is a previously registered drag type.
    def offeredDNDType(origin, type) ; end
    # When being dragged over, return the drag action
    def inquireDNDAction() ; end
    # Get DND data; the caller becomes the owner of the array.
    # The _origin_ is a constant indicating the origin of the data, one of
    # The _type_ is a previously registered drag type.
    def getDNDData(origin, type) ; end
    # Set DND data; ownership is transferred to the system.
    # The _origin_ is a constant indicating the origin of the data, one of
    # The _type_ is a previously registered drag type.
    def setDNDData(origin, type, data) ; end
    # Return +true+ if this window logically contains the given point (_parentX_, _parentY_).
    def contains?(parentX, parentY) ; end
    # Translate coordinates (_fromX_, _fromY_) from _fromWindow_'s coordinate system
    # to this window's coordinate system. Returns a two-element array containing the
    # coordinates in this window's coordinate system.
    def translateCoordinatesFrom(fromWindow, fromX, fromY) ; end
    # Translate coordinates (_fromX_, _fromY_) from this window's coordinate system
    # to _toWindow_'s coordinate system. Returns a two-element array containing the
    # coordinates in _toWindow_'s coordinate system.
    def translateCoordinatesTo(toWindow, fromX, fromY) ; end
    # Relink this window before _sibling_ in the parent's window list.
    def linkBefore(sibling) ; end
    # Relink this window after _sibling_ in the parent' window list.
    def linkAfter(sibling) ; end
    # Return +true+ if this window does save-unders.
    def doesSaveUnder?() ; end