
#**    v e m b l d e x m 1 1
#**  the coupling of 2-D linear elastic problem (plain stress) and
#**  a temperatur diffusion. The mesh is read from an I-DEAS
#**  universal file.
#**   by L. Grosz                           Karlsruhe, June 1995
#**  The data set of this examples has two parts (search for
#**  'cut here'). The first part specifies the problem
#**  (please copy it to 'vembldexm11.equation') and the second part
#**  defines the control parameters  (please copy it to
#**  'vembldexm11.resource'). The FORTRAN code for the solution
#**  of the problem is generated by entering
#**  'vembuild vembldexm11' into your shell.
#>>>>>>> cut here to get vembldexm11.equation <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#**  The searched displacement (u1,u2) and temperture distribution
#**  u3 in the body are the solution of the coupled conservation
#**  law of the stress and the diffusion equation for the
#**  temperature. The coupling term is the thermal strain in the
#**  conservation law of the stress. The body is loaded by a
#**  surface load p=(p1,p2) and is fixed at two point in both
#**  directions (=> Dirichlet conditions for component 1 and 2).
#**  The temperature is prescribed at all surfaces (Dirichlet
#**  conditions for component 3).
#**  The geometry in the I-DEAS universal file fins.unv
#**  describes the following geometry:
#**                    surface load
#**                     ~~~~~~~~
#**       |------|      |------|      |------|
#**       |      |      |      |      |      |
#**       |      |      |      |      |      |
#**       |      \------/      \------/      |
#**       |  /---------\         /--------\  |   u3=20
#**       |  |  hole   |         |  hole  |  |
#**       |  | u3=1000 |   body  | u3=800 |  |
#**       |  \---------/         \--------/  |
#** u1=0 >\----------------------------------/< u1=0
#**       ^                                  ^
#**     u2=0                               u2=0
#**  The nodes with the Dirichlet conditions for component 1, which
#**  is the displacement in x-direction, are indexed in restraint
#**  set 1. The nodes with the Dirichlet conditions for
#**  component 2, which is the displacement in y-direction, are
#**  indexed in restraint set 2. The nodes with the Dirichlet
#**  conditions for component 3, which is the temperature, are
#**  indexed in restraint set 3. In I-DEAS the displacements in
#**  x-direction for all these nodes are set to the value we want
#**  to have for the solution at this location in VECFEM.
#**  Especially the nodes on the surface of the left hole get the
#**  value 1000 but on the surface of the right hole the value 800.
#**    material parameter:
     nu=.3         # poisson's number
     alpha=0.01    # thermal coefficient of expansion
#**   the boundary values are defined in the universal file :
#**   the external load works on the surface elements:
#**   the strains of the searched displacements:
#**  the term alpha*u3 considers the thermal expansion of the body.
#**   the resulting stresses :
#**  the conversion equation for the stress:
   line{ p1*v1 + p2*v2}
 + area{  v1x1*sig11+(v1x2+v2x1)*sig12+v2x2*sig22 +
#**   the diffusion of the temperature
         v3x1*u3x1+v3x2*u3x2} +
>>>>>>>> cut here to get vembldexm11.resource <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
#**  The problem has a two dimensional domain and three solution
#**  component:
#**  One processor with maximal 20 Mbytes are used. Maximal 4000
#**  nodes and 1000 elements are allowed:
#**  the is read from the file I-DEAS universal fins.unv:
#**  The output format is I-DEAS universal file:
#** The problem is a steady problem :
#** for this problem it is better to use BICO:
#**  The solution component 1,2, which are the displacements,
#**  are written to file disp.unv with the title 'displacents' and
#**  the third solution component is written to file temp.unv with
#**  the title 'temperature'. The error output considers all
#**  components:
     OUTPUT_INDEX=   110           001
     OUTPUT_FILE=  disp.unv,      temp.unv
     OUTPUT_TITLE= displacements, temperature
     OUTPUT_ERRELEM=1 # The error indicator is given on the element
                      # centre, so that a mesh adaption can be started.