/* * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS * * Distributable under LGPL license. * See terms of license at gnu.org. */ package org.jboss.jms.asf; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageListener; import javax.jms.ServerSession; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.jms.XASession; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.transaction.Status; import javax.transaction.Transaction; import javax.transaction.TransactionManager; import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource; import javax.transaction.xa.Xid; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.tm.TransactionManagerService; import org.jboss.tm.XidImpl; /** * An implementation of ServerSession.

* * Created: Thu Dec 7 18:25:40 2000 * * @author Peter Antman . * @author Jason Dillon * @author Hiram Chirino . * @version $Revision: $ */ public class StdServerSession implements Runnable, ServerSession, MessageListener { /** * Instance logger. */ static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(StdServerSession.class); /** * The server session pool which we belong to. */ private StdServerSessionPool serverSessionPool; /** * Our session resource. */ private Session session; /** * Our XA session resource. */ private XASession xaSession; /** * The transaction manager that we will use for transactions. */ private TransactionManager tm; /** * Use the session's XAResource directly if we have an JBossMQ XASession. * this allows us to get around the TX timeout problem when you have * extensive message processing. */ private boolean useLocalTX; /** * The listener to delegate calls, to. In our case the container invoker. */ private MessageListener delegateListener; /** * Create a StdServerSession . * * @param pool The server session pool which we belong to. * @param session Our session resource. * @param xaSession Our XA session resource. * @param delegateListener Listener to call when messages arrives. * @param useLocalTX Will this session be used in a global TX (we can optimize with 1 phase commit) * @throws JMSException Transation manager was not found. * @exception JMSException Description of Exception */ StdServerSession(final StdServerSessionPool pool, final Session session, final XASession xaSession, final MessageListener delegateListener, boolean useLocalTX) throws JMSException { // assert pool != null // assert session != null this.serverSessionPool = pool; this.session = session; this.xaSession = xaSession; this.delegateListener = delegateListener; if( xaSession == null ) useLocalTX = false; this.useLocalTX = useLocalTX; log.debug("initializing (pool, session, xaSession, useLocalTX): " + pool + ", " + session + ", " + xaSession + ", " + useLocalTX); // Set out self as message listener if (xaSession != null) xaSession.setMessageListener(this); else session.setMessageListener(this); InitialContext ctx = null; try { ctx = new InitialContext(); tm = (TransactionManager) ctx.lookup(TransactionManagerService.JNDI_NAME); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JMSException("Transation manager was not found"); } finally { if (ctx != null) { try { ctx.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } } // --- Impl of JMS standard API /** * Returns the session.

* * This simply returns what it has fetched from the connection. It is up to * the jms provider to typecast it and have a private API to stuff messages * into it. * * @return The session. * @exception JMSException Description of Exception */ public Session getSession() throws JMSException { if (xaSession != null) return xaSession; else return session; } //--- Protected parts, used by other in the package /** * Runs in an own thread, basically calls the session.run(), it is up to the * session to have been filled with messages and it will run against the * listener set in StdServerSessionPool. When it has send all its messages it * returns. */ public void run() { if( log.isTraceEnabled() ) log.trace("running..."); if (xaSession != null) xaSession.run(); else session.run(); } /** * Will get called from session for each message stuffed into it. * * Starts a transaction with the TransactionManager * and enlists the XAResource of the JMS XASession if a XASession was * available. A good JMS implementation should provide the XASession for use * in the ASF. So we optimize for the case where we have an XASession. So, * for the case where we do not have an XASession and the bean is not * transacted, we have the unneeded overhead of creating a Transaction. I'm * leaving it this way since it keeps the code simpler and that case should * not be too common (JBossMQ provides XASessions). */ public void onMessage(Message msg) { boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled(); if( trace ) log.trace("onMessage running (pool, session, xaSession, useLocalTX): " + ", " + session + ", " + xaSession + ", " + useLocalTX); // Used if run with useLocalTX if true Xid localXid = null; boolean localRollbackFlag=false; // Used if run with useLocalTX if false Transaction trans = null; try { if (useLocalTX) { // Use JBossMQ One Phase Commit to commit the TX localXid = new XidImpl(); XAResource res = xaSession.getXAResource(); res.start(localXid, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); if( trace ) log.trace("Using optimized 1p commit to control TX."); } else { // Use the TM to control the TX tm.begin(); trans = tm.getTransaction(); if (xaSession != null) { XAResource res = xaSession.getXAResource(); trans.enlistResource(res); if( trace ) log.trace("XAResource '" + res + "' enlisted."); } } //currentTransactionId = connection.spyXAResourceManager.startTx(); // run the session //session.run(); // Call delegate listener delegateListener.onMessage(msg); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("session failed to run; setting rollback only", e); if (useLocalTX) { // Use JBossMQ One Phase Commit to commit the TX localRollbackFlag = true; } else { // Mark for tollback TX via TM try { // The transaction will be rolledback in the finally if( trace ) log.trace("Using TM to mark TX for rollback."); trans.setRollbackOnly(); } catch (Exception x) { log.error("failed to set rollback only", x); } } } finally { try { if (useLocalTX) { if( localRollbackFlag == true ) { if( trace ) log.trace("Using optimized 1p commit to rollback TX."); XAResource res = xaSession.getXAResource(); res.end(localXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); res.rollback(localXid); } else { if( trace ) log.trace("Using optimized 1p commit to commit TX."); XAResource res = xaSession.getXAResource(); res.end(localXid, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); res.commit(localXid, true); } } else { // Use the TM to commit the Tx // Marked rollback if (trans.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) { if( trace ) log.trace("Rolling back JMS transaction"); // actually roll it back trans.rollback(); // NO XASession? then manually rollback. // This is not so good but // it's the best we can do if we have no XASession. if (xaSession == null && serverSessionPool.isTransacted()) { session.rollback(); } } else if (trans.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) { // Commit tx // This will happen if // a) everything goes well // b) app. exception was thrown if( trace ) log.trace("Commiting the JMS transaction"); trans.commit(); // NO XASession? then manually commit. This is not so good but // it's the best we can do if we have no XASession. if (xaSession == null && serverSessionPool.isTransacted()) { session.commit(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to commit/rollback", e); } StdServerSession.this.recycle(); } if( trace ) log.trace("onMessage done"); } /** * Start the session and begin consuming messages. * * @throws JMSException No listener has been specified. */ public void start() throws JMSException { if( log.isTraceEnabled() ) log.trace("starting invokes on server session"); if (session != null) { try { serverSessionPool.getExecutor().execute(this); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } } else { throw new JMSException("No listener has been specified"); } } /** * Called by the ServerSessionPool when the sessions should be closed. */ void close() { if (session != null) { try { session.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } session = null; } if (xaSession != null) { try { xaSession.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } xaSession = null; } log.debug("closed"); } /** * This method is called by the ServerSessionPool when it is ready to be * recycled intot the pool */ void recycle() { serverSessionPool.recycle(this); } }