Berkeley DB: DbInfo::set_compare

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#include <db_cxx.h>

typedef int (*compare_fcn)(const DBT *, const DBT *); void DbInfo::set_compare(compare_fcn);


Set the duplicate data item comparison function. This comparison function must return an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if the first key argument is considered to be respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the second key argument. The same comparison method must be used on a given tree every time it is opened.

The data and size fields of the Dbt are the only fields that may be used for the purposes of this comparison.



See Also

DbInfo::set_bt_compare, DbInfo::set_bt_maxkey, DbInfo::set_bt_minkey, DbInfo::set_bt_prefix, DbInfo::set_cachesize, DbInfo::set_compare, DbInfo::set_flags, DbInfo::set_h_ffactor, DbInfo::set_h_hash, DbInfo::set_h_nelem, DbInfo::set_lorder, DbInfo::set_malloc, DbInfo::set_pagesize, DbInfo::set_re_delim, DbInfo::set_re_len, DbInfo::set_re_pad and DbInfo::set_re_source.