
CCP4i Documentation for Programmers: Core Documentation


The Task Mode (src/task.tcl)

The Task Mode

In task mode only one task window is visible - this is run with the command 'ccp4i -t taskname' To run in this mode bin/ccp4i.tcl calls the task procedure in src/task.tcl which does the necessary initiallisation and opens the task window.

task Initiallisation to run CCP4i in task mode.

Argument list: None

The Taskbrowser (src/taskbrowser.tcl)

The Taskbrowser

The taskbrowser.tcl file contains procedures which are specific for running the ccp4i task browser (i.e. the usually way to run ccp4i). This file has a list of the other files which must be sourced and the procedure taskbrowser which is called from the startup bin/ccp4i.tcl

taskbrowser Initiallise CCP4i to run the taskbrowser

Argument list: None

Utilities for CCP4i Main Window (src/browser_utils.tcl)

Some utilities for CCP4i run in 'browser' i.e. normal graphical mode.

ReadTaskList Read the etc/$OPSYS/modules and $USER/.CCP4/$OPSYS/modules files

Argument list: <filnam> <arrayname>

Load the list of modules and tasks into the moduledef array

Modules and tasks are first loaded from the main CCP4i modules file and additional modules and/tasks are then read from the user's personal modules file (if it exists) and are appended to those already loaded.

ASIDE (1): The user's .CCP4 area has subdirectories unix/windows where modules files are stored - in the main CCP4i area these directories are UNIX/WINDOWS.

ASIDE (2): There is currently an issue that the 'internal' name of a task which is used for task file names etc. is also the task name seen by the user in the job list. It would be better if the modules file had a separate definition of the 'user visible' task name.

filnam Name of the 'modules file

arrayname Name of array to contain data (usually moduledef)

UpdateModulesList Update the lists of modules and tasks

Argument list: <modulesname> <arrayname>

To be filled in by pjx

modulesname Name of the array initialise from the modules.def file

arrayname Name of array to contain data (usually moduledef)

CreateTaskBrowser Draw the main graphical window of ccp4i

Argument list: <input_project> <input_title> <window> <arrayname>

input_project Name of input project - used in window title

input_title Additional input tile used in communication dialog box

window The Tk window id

arrayname The module/task array (usually called moduledef)

module_help Handle user clicking for help on the Module menu

Argument list: <arrayname>

Go to the help page for the currently open module

update_module Update task menu when user changes modules

Argument list: <selection> <arrayname>

selection New module

arrayname The module/task array (usually called moduledef)

MailHandler Create mail window for interface

Argument list: None

For Unix systems, calls the MailtoDev procedure to produce the mailer window. On Windows, starts up a browser pointing to the CCP4 on-line help page (

MailtoDev Define the 'Mail CCP4' dialog box

Argument list: None

Calls the send_mail procedure to handle 'Send Mail' command

Mail utility - based on the Disguise (CCP11) interface mailtool

send_mail Handler for MailtoDev 'Send Mail' command

Argument list: <w>

Extract text and recipient from the 'Mail CCP4' dialog box Use the generic SendMail procedure to send the mail