
Installing SQL Relay


Before you can compile SQL Relay, you will need to install some pre-requisites.

The Rudiments library is essential. It's available from

only the client API's will be built. Version 1.8.7 or higher is required.

If you want to build the non-C/C++ API's, you need one or more of Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java or Zope.

To build the database connection daemons, you'll need one or more of Oracle (Version 7.3.x, 8.0.x or 8.1.x), MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Lago, unixODBC, iODBC, DB2, Interbase, Sybase or FreeTDS (for accessing either Sybase or MS SQL Server).

To build the GUI configuration tool, you'll need GTK+ and glib. Both are available from

Downloading SQL Relay:

You can download the most current source distribution of SQL Relay from

Unpacking SQL Relay:

To unpack the distribution, copy the file to a location on your machine that you have access to and execute the following commands:

  • gunzip sqlrelay-X.XX.tar.gz
  • tar xf sqlrelay-X.XX.tar

This will create a sqlrelay-X.XX directory. Change directories into that directory.

Compiling SQL Relay:

To compile SQL Relay, read the INSTALL file, make sure your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set if you are going to compile with Oracle support, then execute the following commands:

  • configure
  • make

The configure command takes lots of command line options, most of which tell it where to find prerequisite software in case any of it is installed in non-standard locations. It also takes the --prefix option in case you want to install SQL Relay somewhere other than /usr/local/firstworks. You can run "configure --help" to get a list of command line options.

If you want to rebuild SQL Relay for any reason, type:

  • make clean
  • make

If you want to re-configure SQL Relay type:

  • make clean
  • make unconfig
  • configure
  • make

SQL Relay should compile and function on unix-based systems using the GNU development system. Other compilers may work too but have not been tested on the current version.

The -pedantic flag must be used with newer GNU compilers. This flag is turned on by default, don't disable it.

After a complete, sucessful compilation, the lib directory should contain:

  • libsqlrclient.a

The bin directory should contain:

  • sqlr-listener
  • sqlr-cachemanager
  • sqlr-start
  • sqlr-stop
  • query
  • fields
  • backupschema
  • sqlrsh
  • sqlr-config-gtk
  • and one or more of...
    • sqlr-connection-oracle7 (does not support LOB's)
    • sqlr-connection-oracle8 (does support LOB's)
    • sqlr-connection-mysql
    • sqlr-connection-msql
    • sqlr-connection-postgresql
    • sqlr-connection-sqlite
    • sqlr-connection-lago
    • sqlr-connection-freetds
    • sqlr-connection-sybase
    • sqlr-connection-odbc
    • sqlr-connection-db2
    • sqlr-connection-interbase
Installing SQL Relay:

To install SQL Relay, become root and type:

  • make install

By default, everything is installed under /usr/local/firstworks.

To uninstall SQL Relay, become root and type:

  • make uninstall
Installing SQL Relay RPMS:

If your platform supports RedHat Package Manager RPM's, you can build them after running configure and make by running the following command as root:

  • make rpm

This will generate RPM's in the packages/RPMS directory. You can install them by changing directories into packages/RPMS and executing the following command as root:

  • rpm -i *