
GConfEngine — a GConf "database"


struct      GConfEngine;
GConfEngine* gconf_engine_get_default       (void);
GConfEngine* gconf_engine_get_for_address   (const gchar *address,
                                             GError **err);
GConfEngine* gconf_engine_get_local         (const gchar *address,
                                             GError **err);
void        gconf_engine_unref              (GConfEngine *conf);
void        gconf_engine_ref                (GConfEngine *conf);


A GConfEngine represents a connection to the GConf database. The default GConfEngine, returned from gconf_engine_get_default(), represents the user's normal configuration source search path. Configuration-related utilities, such as a configuration editor tool, might wish to access a particular configuration source directly; they can obtain a non-default GConfEngine with gconf_engine_get_for_address().

Once you have a GConfEngine, you can query and manipulate configuration values.


struct GConfEngine

struct GConfEngine;

An opaque data type representing one or more configuration sources.

gconf_engine_get_default ()

GConfEngine* gconf_engine_get_default       (void);

Returns the default GConfEngine. All clients should use this, unless they are special configuration-related tools. The caller of this function assumes one reference count, and must call gconf_engine_unref() at some point. It's fairly important to unref the GConfEngine, to cleanly close the connection to gconfd. So if possible close the connection before exiting your application. see ? printf() printf()

Returns :the default GConfEngine.

gconf_engine_get_for_address ()

GConfEngine* gconf_engine_get_for_address   (const gchar *address,
                                             GError **err);

Obtains a special GConfEngine; mostly useful for specialized GConf-related tools. Normal clients shouldn't need to use it. As with gconf_engine_get_default(), the returned GConfEngine should be unreferenced by the caller of this function.

address :a configuration source address.
err :the return location for an allocated GError, or NULL to ignore errors.
Returns :a GConfEngine.

gconf_engine_get_local ()

GConfEngine* gconf_engine_get_local         (const gchar *address,
                                             GError **err);

Obtain a local (non-process-transparent) GConfEngine. Local engines do not support notification, and can only access config databases directly (they do not use the multiple sources in a path system supported by nonlocal engines).

address :address of local database
err :return location of an allocated GError
Returns :a GConfEngine

gconf_engine_unref ()

void        gconf_engine_unref              (GConfEngine *conf);

Decreases the reference count of a GConfEngine by one; if the reference count reaches 0, destroys the GConfEngine.

conf :a GConfEngine.

gconf_engine_ref ()

void        gconf_engine_ref                (GConfEngine *conf);

Increases the reference count of a GConfEngine by one.

conf :a GConfEngine.